News, events and blogs

Launching a specialized diploma program on Sustainable Development Management

The closing of the one-year Tailor-Made Training (TMT) on “Developing a specialized diploma program on Sustainable Development Management” was marked with the launch of the training that was established

Research Methods and Skills program – fully geared towards your research proposal

“During the Research Methods and Skills program I learned how to write a research proposal, how to look for relevant articles, how to prepare an interview guide and how to conduct interviews."

Fostering Cross-Sector Collaboration to Promote Innovation in the Palestinian Water Sector

In January 2020 Maastricht School of Management (MSM) will start a new Tailor-Made Training (TMT) for the Water Sector Regulatory Council (WSRC) in Palestine on Cross-Sector Collaboration to Promote Innovation in the Palestinian Water Sector.

Meet MSM's faculty members: introducing Julius Gatune Kariuki

Each month we highlight one of our faculty members. This month the spotlight will be on Julius Gatune Kariuki.

Identifying and guiding needed change through transformational leadership

Maastricht School of Management (MSM) has a strong track record of providing Custom Made Training programs for the Sri Lankan Post Graduate Institute of Management (PIM).

Training and exposure visit on strategic leadership and SGBV Investigative procedures

MSM organized a training and exposure visit for 6 Ugandan esteemed guests of the project End Impunity of SGBV (EIS).

Nanjing University graduation and opening ceremony 2019

On the 10th of November the opening and graduation ceremony of our partner Nanjing University in China took place. 100 students graduated from the Executive MBA (EMBA) partner program and 85 new EMBA students were welcomed

MSM’s Master of Arts in Management receives NVAO accreditation

Maastricht School of Management’s residential full-time Master of Arts in Management program in Maastricht has just received accreditation by the Dutch-Flemish Accreditation Organization (NVAO) until 2025.

Custom made internship program for the Constitutional Court of Indonesia

A group of six high potential employees from The Constitutional Court of Indonesia (MKRI) visited MSM for a custom made program. The aim of this program is to strengthening leadership and management skills and competences.

Dutch Ambassador to Lebanon visits MSM

On Friday 15 November, MSM had the honor to host the Dutch Ambassador to Lebanon, His Excellency Jan Waltmans. Mr. Waltmans visited MSM to discuss MSM’s project portfolio in Lebanon and prospects for future cooperation.