News, events and blogs

Master in Management students start their one-year journey at MSM

On 5 October 2020, we were happy to welcome a new group of Master in Management students at the campus of Maastricht to dive into the world of business and management.

Year in review: Reviving agricultural TVET in Ghana

One year ago, the project “Reviving Agricultural TVET in Ghana by Integrating Farm Institutes in the Wider Agricultural Education System” officially commenced.

Mastering the challenge of managing development projects

From 21 – 25 September 2020, MSM delivered the executive Project Management program. This 5-day course is designed to further develop the skills, knowledge and essential techniques for successful, cost-effective management projects.

Year in review: Strengthening skills and training capacity in the horticulture sector in Tanzania

One year ago, the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) project “Strengthening skills and training capacity in the horticulture sector” officially started implementation during a kick-off event in Dodoma, Tanzania.

Interactive training and online sessions in Kenyan capacity building project

As for all international project COVID-19 has highly impacted the planned activities. Many of those activities were related field trips and exchanging project members of both countries. Due to COVID safety restrictions, Kenyan schools were closed.

MSM Graduation 2020: A new generation of leaders for a changing world

As with everything else this year, COVID-19 had an impact on MSM’s annual Graduation ceremony as many students, friends and family were unable to make the trip to Maastricht to celebrate together the achievements of the graduating classes of 2020.

Preliminary results of ICGLR-RTF reports: SGBV in times of Covid-19

In June, many ICGLR-RTF received 37 proposals from 11 different countries from their call for research reports and small projects related to Covid-19. Of all proposals, 17 were selected to be carried out.

SAIL institutes launch first website

MSM and the other SAIL members are proud to launch its first ever website and we hope that you will take a look at the newly created website which will give you more information about SAIL and the SAIL institutes.

Essential water and agricultural investments in Egyptian project to strengthen TVET’s

The Nuffic OKP project “Enhancing water efficiency and food security through Egyptian TVETs’” is currently in its second year and progress has been made. As part of the project investments have been made in drainage systems, greenhouses and

MSM successfully delivered virtual trainings on Project Management and Youth Entrepreneurship & Community Enterprise

In August two virtual trainings given by Vin Morar took place in our Tailor-Made-Training project in Liberia. Both trainings on Project Management Skills and Youth Entrepreneurship & Community Enterprise were highly appreciated by the participants.