News, events and blogs

The Challenge of Change: Kickstarting WASH Education in Sierra Leone

The Government Technical Institute (GTI) in Sierra Leone recognises that long term development is the best form of disaster risk reduction, and good governance and strong institutions represents the best form of disaster preparedness.

Launch of a Triple Helix Platform in Limpopo, Free State and Mpumalanga Provinces

On Tuesday 23rd February 2021, the first inaugural meeting of the triple helix platform between MSM and SU took place. The first Triple Helix (3H) Platform was launched in the provinces of Free State, Limpopo and Mpumalanga.

Decision Making Tools: an eye-opening module for the full-time MBA students

Recently the full-time MBA students completed their Decision Making Tools module provided by Dr. Khaled Wahba. Dr. Wahba teaches several MBA courses at MSM, such as Digital Transformation, Decision Making Tools, and Research Methods.

Working towards quality horticulture A-TVET graduates through collaboration

In all current OKP projects the importance of the connections between Dutch and OKP countries is key, but also the connection between (educational) institutions within a project between organizations in similar projects.

Regional and National events kick-started Sahel RESCOM project

Recently the national and regional conferences of the OKP RESCOM Project in Mali, Burkina Faso and Niger took place.

Online verkiezingsdebat: zonder kennisuitwisseling geen ontwikkeling

Tijdens het debat gaven vijf Tweede Kamerleden van VVD, CDA, GroenLinks, PvdA en D66 met (hoger) onderwijs, dan wel ontwikkelingssamenwerking in hun portefeuille, hun mening over de toekomst van de internationale onderwijs- en kennissamenwerking.

Developing leaders in Romania: celebrating 10 years of partnership with MSM Romania

It has been 10 years since MSM embarked on a joint journey with MSM Romania to develop leaders in Romania. Since then, the joint Executive MBA has been running successfully with its 11th intake just having started mid January.

Research Methods and Skills – kick-start your research journey

From September 2020 until February 2021 an international group of students joined the MSM Research Methods and Skills (RMS) program which was offered via distance learning. On 9 February 2021 they all successfully defended their Research Proposal.

Assessing market needs to strengthen the curriculum of TVET and Higher education

In December 2020, trainers from Q-Point, were in Uganda to discuss the results of the labor market needs assessment (LMNA) that was carried out for the project “Strengthening skills and training capacity in the horticulture sector in Uganda”.

New initiative will boost use of water-smart technologies in agriculture

A multi-stakeholder platform which aims to boost the use of water-smart technologies by farmers in Limpopo, Free State and Mpumalanga will be launched on 23 February 2021.