News, events and blogs
Gender Equality and Women Empowerment: essential goals for attaining economic and social development objectives
03-07-2023On Monday, 26 June 2023, Dr. Mulu Burhane kicked- off the Short Executive Programme Gender Equality and Women Empowerment, bringing together professionals from 14 different countries.
Promoting Agricultural Technical and Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) in Ghana
27-06-2023Agriculture plays a key role in economic growth and is an important contributor to various sectors of the Ghanaian economy. Recently MSM in collaboration with its consortium partners has completed two Nuffic Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) projects
LMSINDO's success story in the NTT region of Indonesia - an overview of the projects achievements
27-06-2023The project “LMSINDO – Link and Match Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan (SMK) in Indonesia” has officially ended 31 March 2023 after 4 years of prosperous project implementation.
MSM to start new project on Circular Talent Development for Climate-Smart Agriculture
26-06-2023MSM in collaboration with Aeres has been granted a 4-years project “MOBILISE: Circular Talent Development for Climate-Smart Agriculture”
Kuwaiti MBA students travel to MSM for their expertise tracks: an eye-opening experience
26-06-2023From 1-15 June 2023 we welcomed the students from MBA intake 14 from our partner in Kuwait. The 28 students travelled to MSM at the Tapijn campus in Maastricht to follow their expertise track courses in Banking & Finance or in International Business.
More inclusive, sustainable climate smart agriculture and water efficient programs in Egyptian TVET and HE
15-06-2023The project “Enhancing water efficiency and food security through Egyptian TVET” has officially come to an end. At the beginning of 2019, Maastricht school of Management in consortium with Aeres University of Applied Science Almere and Deltares
MSM Corporate Week 2023: Gaining essential knowledge, skills, and insights to succeed on the job market
13-06-2023“The MSM Corporate Week was an invaluable experience that provided a wealth of knowledge and connections. This experience has enriched my MBA journey and offered me valuable insights that will continue to shape my professional path."
Entrepreneurship development in Algeria
01-06-2023In May, teams from three Algerian universities developed a more entrepreneurial mission, vision statement and strategy for their institutions, facilitated by Entrepreneurial Universities expert Dr. Huub Mudde from Maastricht School of Management.
Project "End Impunity of Sexual and gender based violence in Uganda" successfully completed
30-05-2023Project EIS (End Impunity of Sexual and gender based violence in Uganda) commenced in 2019 and ended in December 2022. The project was ambitious but turned out to be realistic as all outputs were completed and all project objectives were achieved.
MSM welcomes first participants in the Executive PhD in Private Sector Development
23-05-2023“During the on-campus workshop as part of the Executive PhD we met with the professors and other researchers. This interaction was very useful. During the proposal presentation, I received very useful feedback from the experts."