Programme information
The Executive PhD in Private Sector Development is designed with flexibility in mind, offering a blended format that combines on-campus workshops with online learning. This unique approach provides many opportunities to develop essential research skills, to interact with fellow candidates and faculty and to present your work and receive valuable feedback.
Stage 1: Extended Research Proposal (September 2026 - February 2027)
The aim of the Stage 1 (6 months) is to develop, refine and successfully defend an extended research proposal. Stage 1 involves 3 workshops.
Workshop 1 (2 days on-campus in September 2026)
Workshop 1 focuses on the structure of the Executive PhD programme and gives candidates an overview of the programme set-up, the milestones and the expectations. The workshop also provides candidates with insights into the literature review.
Workshop 2 (5 months, part-time, online from September 2026 - January 2027)
In Stage 1, candidates follow the Advanced Research Methods and Skills programme. This programme runs from September - January (part-time, online) and provides you with more in-depth knowledge on the principles and techniques of conducting research. The programme consists of the following courses:
- Introduction to Research Methods
- Qualitative research: data collection and analysis
- Quantitative research: data collection and analysis
- Research Proposal Development
Candidates must attend and successfully complete the Research Methods and Skills programme. Even if a candidate already completed the RMS training previously, it is strongly recommended to follow the RMS again in order to further refine the proposal to achieve the extended research proposal.
Workshop 3 (Online in February 2027)
Workshop 3 is the defence of the extended research proposal.
Following successful completion of the on-campus workshop and the online Advanced Research and Methods skills programme, candidates will present and defend their Extended Research Proposal in front of a panel. Stage 1 is a conditional admission, hence, to move to stage 2 candidates should successfully complete all requirements of stage 1.
Stage 2: Research Framework (March 2027 - August 2028)
Following successful completion of stage 1, candidates will progress to stage 2. In this stage, candidates will be assigned a supervisory team. Under the guidance of the supervisory team, candidates will develop the Research Framework consisting of the introduction, the literature review, and the methodology. In addition, candidates will work on the strategy for the three journal papers and the conference paper.
To assist the candidates with the deliverables of stage 2, two workshops will be organised.
Workshop 1 (2 days on-campus in September 2027)
Workshop 1 focuses on the structure of the research framework and how to prepare and write a conference paper
Workshop 2 (1.5 days on-campus in September 2028)
Workshop 2 is the defence of the Research Framework.
To progress to stage 3 candidates must successfully defend the Research Framework in front of a panel. Stage 2 is a conditional admission, hence, to move to stage 3 candidates should successfully complete all requirements of stage 2.
Stage 3: Analysis (September 2028 – August 2029)
In stage 3 of the programme, candidates focus on the data collection and analysis, and the development of the three journal papers. In addition, stage 3 involves one workshop.
Workshop 1 (0.5 days on-campus in September 2028)
Workshop 1 focuses on how to prepare and write a journal paper.
Stage 3 also involves writing and submitting a conference paper successfully and attending the conference.
Stage 4: Thesis defence (September 2029 - August 2030)
In stage 4, candidates compile their thesis for final submission which must then be approved by the supervisory team before going for internal and external review. Candidates should accordingly revise their thesis and defend it before the Doctoral Committee. Additionally, one workshop is organised in year 4.
Workshop 1 (1,5 day, on-campus in September 2029)
Workshop 1 focuses on how to prepare for the thesis defence.
Candidates must also, before the thesis defence, write three journal papers of which at least one journal paper should have been submitted.
The Executive PhD programme is delivered in Maastricht by MSM-UM and can take between four to seven years, starting from the first day a participant starts the programme. This period could be extended for an additional 3 years in case of extenuating circumstances, which needs to be approved by the Research Board. The maximum duration of the programme is then 10 years.
Upon graduation, candidates will receive a doctoral degree by Maastricht University.
“The online workshops as part of the MSM Executive PhD are a very suitable format for a short update on the research status quo and to make sure everyone stays on track. Obviously, feedback from a broad academics field is very suitable. The online workshops help us to open up different perspectives and to sort our thoughts.”
Mr. Christoph Pelzmann (Germany) current candidate Executive PhD programme (intake 1)
Your profile
We are looking for candidates with a Master’s degree who have strong academic records, professional and/or volunteer experience, affiliation with academic research and a special interest in private sector development. MSM welcomes candidates from all over the world from a wide wide variety of backgrounds, cultures and disciplines. The programme is tailored to synergise the various backgrounds.
Candidates in the programme have external work responsibilities (full-time, part-time, self-employed, independent consultant), leaving them less time for PhD research. Ideally, the PhD candidate’s employer offers support by allocating time and allowing the candidate to incorporate their studies into their work (by providing data, support, related assignments and the like). The programme is open for participants from emerging economies as well as developed countries.