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Strategic Consultancy for Private Sector Development

Diederik de Boer
Associate Professor Sustainable Business Development/Director Expert Centre on Emerging Economies

Diederik de Boer is Director Expert Centre on Emerging Economies and Associate Professor Sustainable Business Development at Maastricht School of Management.

He holds a PhD from the Erasmus University (the Netherlands), an MPA from Leiden/Rotterdam University (the Netherlands), an MBA from Bradford/Tilburg University (UK/ The Netherlands) and a Minor in Small and Micro Credit Schemes from Harvard University Boston (USA).

He worked for seven years for the United Nations and the Dutch Ministry for Development Cooperation in Cambodia, Mongolia, Korea and Palestine. As director he is in charge of more than 30 programmes worldwide focusing on capacity building, research and education. His research focuses on partnerships and cluster competitiveness in developing countries in Asia and Africa.

Rui Miguel Santos
Expert and trainer in Results-Based Management and Evaluation of Development Programs & Projects
Rui Miguel (Portugese) is CEO of Group CESO. In addition he is lecturer at various institutions including: the College of Europe in Brugge (Belgium), at University of Maastricht  - Faculty of Business and Economics (NL), Council of Europe (France) and at Maastricht School of Management. 

Throughout his career he has gained professional experience in Albania, Angola, Azerbaijan, Barbados, Botswana, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Egypt, Estonia, Gabon, Ghana, Guinea-Bissau, British Guyana, Grenada, Kosovo, Mozambique, Moldova, Mongolia, Morocco, Palestina, Rwanda, Saint Lucia, Senegal, Serbia, Ukraine, Zambia and Portugal.

Recent projects: Senior Expert for the MKS (Methodological and Knowledge Sharing Support, previously known as Aid Delivery Methods Programme - ADM), DEVCO / European Commission, Since 2018; lead trainer on "PMM - Project Management Methodology" 2016-2020, Council of Europe / College of Europe.
Hans Nijhoff
Senior Project Consultant

As private sector development expert Hans aims at contributing to real impact from investments and development programs in agriculture. His focus is on agribusiness growth, and his expertise is in the areas of: building value chain clusters & business ecosystems, creating agri-SME entrepreneurship & acceleration platforms, developing bankable investment plans for lead agri-companies, coordinating agri-partnerships between public, private and education partners, and conducting applied agri-research for strategic sector advise.

Besides agribusiness, at the start of his career, Hans worked as international advisor in the water & environmental domain, which helps him to better understand agriculture’s impact on scarce water resources and solutions for climate-smart agriculture. He has over 20 years’ experience in the above fields, specifically in East Africa but also in South-East Asia and the Middle East. He was posted in Tanzania from 2013-2016 and in Indonesia and Egypt before that.

He holds an MSc-degree in Agricultural Marketing Systems for Developing Countries, from Cranfield University in the UK.