MSM conducts applied research and policy advocacy in order to promote sustainable development and business with a focus on:
- Private Sector development
organised in five themes related to emerging markets::
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Digitisation
- Leadership, Change and Organisational Development
- Inclusive and Sustainable Development
- Globalisation, Value Chains and Industrial Policy
- Educational Development
These focus areas are supported by the Research Department and Expert Centre on Emerging Economies.
To increase the uptake of our research by decision-makers various dissemination and policy advocacy initiatives are undertaken including annual conferences and workshop events, publication of journal articles, books, working papers, occasional papers and business briefs. Various research fellows write their own blogs.

Educational Development
MSM’s Educational Development research addresses inter alia subjects such as student satisfaction in higher education. Research on new public universities’ achievements and challenges.

Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Digitisation
MSM’s Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Digitisation research addresses inter alia subjects such as impacts of motivation on venture growth. Different strokes of the 4th industrial revolution and Future work of Africa.

Inclusive and Sustainable Development
MSM‘s Inclusive and Sustainable Development research addresses inter alia subjects such as migration by improving the economic development in countries of origin. Overcoming gender inequalities in education, business and public service.

Leadership, Change and Organisational Development
MSM’s Leadership research addresses inter alia subjects such as effective leadership in challenging times. Designing organisational capacity assessment tools for enhanced leadership and management.

Globalisation, Value Chains and Industrial Policy
MSM’s Value Chain research addresses inter alia subjects such as Success factors for community business wildlife tourism partnerships in Tanzania, Dairy clustering in Kenya and The triple Helix as a Model for Economic Development.

Private Sector Development
A dynamic and competitive private sector is vital for promoting economic growth in emerging markets. The private sector also plays an important role in shaping the sustainability of such growth.