
Training Course “Competence based training in Horticulture” in Sudan


General Directorate from the Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry in Khartoum, Sudan.

In the frame of the TMT+ ‘Strengthening the capacity of MoLSD staff and its partners to enhance relevancy, provision and management of TVET curricula and programs for IDPs and Refugees’ (OKP-TMT+.20-00102), a Training of Trainers course took place on 5-9 March and provided vocational instructors with the necessary skills, practical training and relevant information to implement a competence-based training. The ToT entailed practical implementation of an exemplary entry-level competency unit “Undertake Horticultural Crops Production practice”.

The course was focused on:

  • Coaching on implementation of a practical competence based training.
  • Measuring instruction plots and discuss the right dimensions for the participants.
  • Head soil preparation, soil preparation before sowing and transplanting, plant propagation in open field and in trays. Preparing a growing media for trays. Sowing in trays. Making a sowing and transplanting bed.
  • Making a compost pile with local plant waste.
  • Making a cropping calendar for crops that are possible used on a training plot.
  • Maintenance of the crop, and (if possible) harvest the crops.
  • Maintenance on equipment used in the training. Storage of equipment used in the training.
  • To declare the use of a registration form used in a crop. Crop rotation. Plant calculation.
  • Developing of stepping plans and assessment forms.
  • Explaining safety to students and how that depends on them.

Participants did learn to:

  • Function as a coach and train the students’ practically on a competence based way with extra attention for “soft” skills.
  • Apply the principles of student-centred and work-oriented learning
  • Plan, develop, conduct and evaluate student-centred and work-oriented learning experiences
  • Reflect on the current teaching and learning culture at their institution.

The Training has been implemented in cooperation with Sudan Urban Development Think Tank Organization (SUDTT). The participants came from the University of Khartoum-Faculty of Agriculture, Inmaa Center for Agricultural Training, CTC, Ministry of Agriculture & Forestry, the general administration of Horticultural Production, Zaim Azhari University-Faculty of Agriculture, Sudan University of Science and Technology, Algazira University, Musaad Center for Training and Machinery Testing and the National Center for Research. 

The training was Executed by consultant, Mr. Gerard Stout

Orange Knowledge Programme
This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) which is funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic. For more information click here.

MSM's Expert Centre on Emerging Economies

This institutional collaboration project is part of MSM's Expert Centre on Emerging Economies. The department is an expert centre on local economic development in emerging and developing markets.​ We capacitate managers and professionals from government, private sector, NGOs, and post-secondary education in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America. We offer consultancy and customized training programs, and we manage complex projects in key sectors, e.g. water, agriculture and health. For more information click here.

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