News, events and blogs

Making open innovating stick: recent published paper

Dr. Andreas M. Zynga, Professor of Practice in Strategy and Academic Coordinator MME-programs and EMBA Maastricht, recently published a paper titled: Making Open Innovation Stick – A Study of Open Innovation Implementation in 756 Global Organizations

MSM supports animal logistics in Indonesia

On Wednesday, 29 August 2018 Forum Logistik Peternakan Indonesia (FLPI) organized its first national conference themed “Strengthening Network on Animal Logistics Industry”, supported by Maastricht School of Management (MSM).

Maastricht School of Management ramps up commitment to sustainability and CSR

With sustainability at its core, the unique Dutch business school is preparing MBA students to make a difference.

MSM’s full-time MBA accedes top 10 of Eduniversal ranking

MSM’s full-time MBA has been ranked in the top 10 in Western Europe of the 2018 Eduniversal Ranking. MSM retained its #2 place in the full-time MBA ranking in the Netherlands, acknowledging the quality and success of the MSM full-time MBA program.

Fighting sexual and gender based violence in the Great Lakes Region

Mr. Nathan Byamukama, Director of ICGLR-RTF, compliments MSM as consortium leader of the NICHE project ‘Institutional strengthening of RTF to deliver training programs in the prevention and mitigation of sexual and gender based violence’.

MSM project finance & project management alumnus receives grant for project on harmful cultural practices and disability in Kenya

Rolando Jr. Villamero, Co-Founder of Global Observatory for Inclusion (GLOBI) in Kenya, followed MSM’s executive Project Finance & Project Management program. At that time he didn’t know that he could apply his newly acquired knowledge into practice

Congratulations to MSM graduates in Surinam

During a festive celebration of their graduation, 15 students of the International MBA program jointly offered by MSM and FHR Lim A Po Institute for Social Studies in Surinam, received their diplomas on 18 August 2018.

Meet MSM's Staff Members: Introducing Ms. Inka Diddens

At MSM we will each month highlight one of our staff members. This month the spotlight will be on Ms. Inka Didddens.

Meet MSM's faculty members: introducing David Dingli

Each month MSM will highlight one of its faculty members and this month the spotlight is on David J. Dingli.

Meet MSM's faculty members: introducing Joris Stadhouders

Each month we highlight one of ourfaculty members. This month the spotlight will be on Joris Stadhouders.