Making open innovating stick: recent published paper
Dr. Andreas M. Zynga, Professor of Practice in Strategy and Academic Coordinator MME-programs and EMBA Maastricht, recently published a paper titled: “Making Open Innovation Stick – A Study of Open Innovation Implementation in 756 Global Organizations”. The paper gives anyone thinking about starting Open Innovation initiatives in their organization a guideline on what processes and routines need to be in place in order to make this a long term and successful venture.
Many companies start to implement Open Innovation (OI) methods, but then stop after a few attempts. Other companies are very successful at embedding this approach for the long term. This paper investigates what Routines and Processes the latter group implements across three phases of a change management process. This is done by analyzing results of a survey of 756 companies from across the world that have used Open Innovation. “I was very interested in this since at the time I was CEO of a company selling OI Services to large companies – this gave me an indication of what we needed to recommend to enterprises starting out with management system,” Dr Zynga explains.
When asked how the results of this paper feed back into his work as Professor of Practice in Strategy, Dr. Zynga replied: “Using Open Innovation is part of an Innovation Strategy, which in turn is a subset of the overall strategy of the business or the corporation as a whole. Open Innovation can improve the competitive position of a business by shortening the time to market, and as such is worthy of discussing in strategy lectures.”
More publications of Dr. Zynga in peer reviewed journals will follow in the near future. For example on how to overcome the “Not-invented-here” syndrome, which is one of the barriers to effective implementation of Open Innovation. In addition, one on Business Model Innovation in a two-sided platform company.
Given Dr. Zynga’s extensive knowledge on the topic of Open Innovation he has been invited to manage a workshop on 28 November 2018 to help a regional EU sponsored Innovation Hub in Trento, Italy become a more effective Open Innovation Intermediary.
Co-authors of the paper Making Open Innovation Stick are: Kathleen Diener, Assistant Professor RWTH Aachen University, Christoph Ihl, Professor at TUHH Institute of Entrepreneurship and the Academic Director of the Startup-Dock at TUHH Hamburg, Dirk Lüttgens, Assistant Professor RWTH Aachen University, Frank T. Piller, Professor of Management at RWTH Aachen University and Academic Director of the EMBA program, and Bruno Scherb, Senior Expert Innovation Manager at Schaeffler Technologies AG.
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