Project "End Impunity of Sexual and gender based violence in Uganda" successfully completed
Project EIS (End Impunity of Sexual and gender based violence in Uganda) commenced in 2019 and ended in December 2022. The project proposal written by MSM, ICGLR-RTF, the Police Senior Command and Staff College, and the Judicial Training Institute was ambitious but turned out to be realistic as all outputs were completed and all project objectives were achieved.
Project EIS has strengthened institutional and training capacity of police and judiciary to end impunity of perpetrators and support survivors of sexual and gender based violence (SGBV) in Uganda. Through Project EIS, crucial training institutions for police and judiciary officers have been equipped with the capacity to better address cases of SGBV in order to prosecute perpetrators and treat SGBV survivors with the sensitivity they deserve.
Highlights of Project EIS:
- A resource/learning centre was setup at Police Senior Command and Staff College including 42 computers to improve the quality of their (online) education and research. The Judicial Training Centre also received equipment.
- The Police College opened a victim friendly space / nursing home to showcase the urgency for all police stations to have such a room to receive SGBV survivors.
- Extensive formative research was conducted by a local research team that was first trained to gather data.
- Informed by the outcomes of the formative research, two curricula were developed for the judicial and police sector to train staff. The two manuals were - to encourage collaboration and synergy between the judicial and police sectors - merged into one document entitled “Techniques of effective investigation, prosecution and adjudication to end impunity of sexual and gender based violence; a generic training manual for Police, Prosecutors and Judicial Officers”.
- 90 trainers were trained to deliver the courses.
- 505 police officers were trained on how to better deal with cases of SGBV.
- 3 e-learning modules (police, judiciary, prosecution) were developed and 6 people were trained to run the e-learning programmes
Orange Knowledge Programme
This project is part of the Orange Knowledge Programme (OKP) which is funded by the Netherlands’ Ministry of Foreign Affairs and managed by Nuffic. For more information click here.
MSM's Expert Centre on Emerging Economies
This institutional collaboration project is part of MSM's Expert Centre on Emerging Economies. The department is an expert centre on local economic development in emerging and developing markets. We capacitate managers and professionals from government, private sector, NGOs, and post-secondary education in Africa, Asia, Middle East, and Latin America. We offer consultancy and customized training programs, and we manage complex projects in key sectors, e.g. water, agriculture and health. For more information click here.
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