MSM students deliver 40th PechaKucha event in Maastricht
This year seven MBA and Master in Management students took part in the annual PechaKucha event at Maastricht School of Management. They were joined by Oliver Olson who closed the evening with an outstanding PechaKucha improvisation on random slides on a topic chosen selected by the audience. The topic was – If you had to create a country from scratch, what would it look like?
The annual MSM PechaKucha event is a highlight of the year and has become fully integrated into the full-time MBA and Master in Management program. This year again, thanks to the close collaboration with PechaKucha Maastricht, all interested students received a thorough preparation for the event. They first followed a PechaKucha workshop to get acquainted with the special PechaKucha presentation concept of telling a story by using only 20 slides and speaking only 20 seconds per slide. Then they were invited to present and discuss their topic ideas with staff and PechaKucha team members, and finally they were given two possibilities to rehearse and receive feedback on their respective presentation.
Thanks to this careful preparation, the quality of the presentations was particularly high and the audience was impressed by the speaking and presentation skills of the presenters. As for the topics of the presentations, it was once again striking to see that many of them touched upon serious and urgent issues such as climate change and gender equality. But also very personal and intimate topics were covered such as, how it is like to live with a critical heart condition or to overcome the scars of cyberbullying. Several presentations fully engaged the audience and ended with calls to action. Others took on a more philosophical approach to life, wisdom and fulfillment throughout diversity and connections.
The students put a lot of time and effort in choosing powerful images to illustrate their message and said that they appreciated the value of doing a presentation by speaking and interacting with the audience instead of reading slides.
It was an evening full of intense emotions, from nervousness to joy, from indignation to hope, from seriousness to humor, from delight to admiration.
The cherry on the cake of the evening was the special greetings from the PechaKucha founders and team in Tokyo, who sent a special video recorded message to celebrate the 40th volume of PechaKucha Maastricht. The video made everyone in the room feel part of the global PechaKucha community of 1047 cities all around the world.
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