Entrepreneurship Development in Vocational Education and Training
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Between August 2010 and July 2104, MSM as part of a consortium supported the Vocational Education and Training Authority of Tanzania (VETA), and the Morogoro Vocational Teachers Training College (MVTTC) in building the capacity of both organizations enabling them to guide and support the VET system in delivering Competence Based Education and Training on Entrepreneurship that is labor market oriented and gender sensitive.
MSM’s contribution was the organization of a management training program in the Netherlands for a group of 15 middle-level managers of VETA Headquarters, MVTTC, and managers from the nine VETA zones in Tanzania. The main scope of the training in was to provide exposure to VET-specific aspects of educational leadership and institutional management. Topics covered are:
- Educational leadership
- Enterprising Training Methods for VET Graduates’ Employability
- Managing Gender in VET
- Project management
- Total Quality Management
- Educational Innovation.
Work visits have been chosen in such a way that the full educational chain was covered, from national policy level up to the actual class room. Visits were made to the national council for Vocational Education (MBO Raad), a Vocational Teachers Training College (STOAS), and a Vocational Education school (ROC Leeuwenborch).
Given the heterogeneous group of participants, the group was split during two days of the course in two sub-groups: one group focusing on Project management, the other on Educational Innovation.